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Angus Maxwell Strachan, Ph.D.
2510 Main Street, Suite 201 |
Post-Doc |
Post-doctoral Fellow: Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, England, 1982-1985
Post-Doc |
Post-doctoral Fellow: Family Project, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1981-1982
Ph.D. | Clinical Psychology: University of California, Los Angeles, 1981 Minor Areas: Developmental and Social Psychology
B.Sc. | Psychology: Birkbeck College, University of London, England, 1972-1975 (First Class Honors)
P.G.C.E. | Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Goldsmiths' College, University of London, England, 1970-1971
B.A. | Mechanical Sciences and Management Studies: Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, England, 1967-70. |
October 2012 on |
September 1984 - Present |
LUND & STRACHAN, INC., SANTA MONICA, CA Clinical psychologist specializing in child custody evaluations, both brief and comprehensive; special mastering; mediation and family therapy for custody and visitation problems; psychotherapy with children, adults, couples and families. |
Sept. 1990 - 2008 | ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY Supervisor of child and family cases for child psychiatry fellows and post-doctoral interns. Instructor of family systems therapy course in Department of Psychiatry. Family process research supervisor. Staff privileges. |
June 1992 - 1999 | PRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE: Divorce and Family Therapy Specialists Santa Monica, CA Trainer in therapeutic and dispute resolution techniques for working with divorcing families. Provider of continuing education courses for attorneys and mental health professionals. |
Sept. 1985 - June 1990 | MEDIATOR: Center for Dispute Resolution Santa Monica, CA Founding member in partnership with Ken Cloke and other attorney mediators specializing in comprehensive divorce mediation covering custody, support, and property issues and family business and workplace disputes. Trainer in mediation techniques. |
Sept. 1984 - 1990 | FACULTY: Family Therapy Institute of Southern California Santa Monica, CA Coordinator of nine-month post-graduate training program covering major models of family therapy, including structural, strategic and systemic techniques. Live supervision of family therapy cases. Director 1989-1990. |
1990 | ASSOCIATE CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY Supervisor of family therapy training. |
1984 - 1989 | ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Psychology |
January 1982 - July 1984 | POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW: Medical Research Council Half-time post-doctoral research on expressed emotion, family interaction and family therapy for schizophrenia. |
January 1982 - July 1984 | MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT: Development Associates, England Worked with management teams, team-building, executive selection, interpersonal skills training in private and public sector. |
January 1981 - December 1981 | POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW: University of California, Los Angeles, Family Project, Department Of Psychology Conducted research on family interaction and family therapy. |
September 1980 - December 1981 | PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANT: Family Therapy Institute of Southern California Santa Monica, CA Family and couples therapy supervised by Fred Gottlieb, M.D. |
September 1979 - June 1980 | PSYCHOLOGY INTERN: Veterans Administration Hospital Los Angeles, CA Inpatient treatment of veterans. |
September 1978 - June 1979 | PSYCHOLOGY INTERN: University of California, Los Angeles, Student Mental Health Services - half-time Clinical Psychology training with university students. |
September 1977 - August 1978 | PSYCHOLOGY INTERN: San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Clinic – half-time Outpatient child and family therapy. Childrens group therapy. Child abuse unit. |
September 1976 - 1977 | PSYCHOLOGY TRAINEE: University of California, Los Angeles, Psychology Clinic, Department of Psychology Outpatient psychotherapy and psychological assessment with adults, children and family. |
September 1975 - 1976 | UNIVERSITY TEACHING ASSISTANT: University of California, Department of Psychology 1979-80 Introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, interpersonal process. |
September 1971 - July 1975 | SCHOOL TEACHER: Wanstead High School, Psychology, Physics, and Humanities London, England |
Strachan, A.M. (2016). What’s in a name? Association of Family and Conciliation Courts - California Chapter Newsletter, Summer 2016, pp. 12-14.
Strachan, A. M. & Lund, M.E. (2014). Multiple attachments and divorce: Evolving concepts and measures. The Los Angeles Psychologist, October 2014, 12-13.
Strachan, A.M., Lund, M.E. & Garcia, J.A. (2010). Assessing children’s perceptions of family relationships: An interactive instrument for use in custody disputes. Journal of Child Custody, 7(3), 192-216.
Robe, L. B. & Strachan, A.M. (2010). Emotional and legal issues when a child’s parent dies. Family Law News, 32(2), 15-29.
Strachan, A. M. (2009). Parenting plan coordination: A hybrid role for alternative dispute resolution in family law. Association of Certified Family Law Specialists Newsletter, 2009 (3), 8-9.
Strachan, A.M. & Lund, M. (2008). How Parenting Plan Coordinators work: Scope, authority, cases and filing decisions. Family Law News. 30(2), 10 -11.
Strachan, A.M. (1999). Questions and Answers About Your Divorce. Divorce Magazine, Vol. 2 (4), p. 16.
Strachan, A.M. (1998). Questions and Answers About Your Divorce: Parenting Issues. Divorce Magazine, Vol. 2 (1), 40-41.
Strachan, A.M. (1998). Using Special Masters to Resolve Post-Divorce Conflicts. Family Law News and Review, Spring 16-17.
Goldstein, M.J., Strachan, A.M., & Wynne, L. C. (1997). Relational Problems Related to a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition: a Comprehensive Review of the Expressed Emotion Literature and a proposal for relational disorders in DSM-IV. In DSM-IV Sourcebook, 3, Widiger, T.A. et al. (Eds.), American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
Strachan, A.M., Mason, M., & Wiland, H. (1997). Change Your Job • Change Your Life! A multimedia program, including a book, CD-ROM, and six-hour video series (on KCET and other PBS affiliates). Cyberschool, Los Angeles.
Strachan, A.M., & Lund, M.E. (1994). New Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists Performing Child Custody Evaluations. Family Law News and Review, 15 (3), 13-17.
Strachan, A.M., (1994). Do's and Don'ts for Psychologists working with divorce. Los Angeles County Psychological Association News, March/April, 1-3.
Randolph, E.T., Eth, S., Glynn, S.M., Paz, G.G.,Leong, G.B., Shaner, A.L., Strachan, A.M., Van Vort, W., Escobar, J.I., Liberman, R.P. (1994). Behavioral Family Management in Schizophrenia: Outcome from a clinic-based intervention. British Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 501-506.
Strachan, A.M., (1993). Working from home: everything you need to know about living and working under the same roof, by P. & S. Edwards: A review. Family Business Review, 4 (4), 456-458.
Strachan, A. M., (1992). Family Management. In R.P.Liberman (Ed.), Handbook of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Macmillan, New York.
Rea, M. M., Strachan, A.M., Goldstein, M. J., Falloon, I., & Hwang, S. (1991). Changes in patient coping style following individual and family treatment for schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 642 - 647.
Strachan, A.M. (1991). Family intervention for schizophrenia: Improving relatives' protection and patients' coping. In R.P. Liberman (Ed.), Rehabilitation of the Psychiatrically Disabled. New York: Plenum.
Sullivan, G., Wells, K.B., Leake, B., Strachan, A.M. & Morgenstern, H. (1991). Quality of life of seriously mentally ill persons in Mississippi: Clinical and policy implications. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 42(7), 752-755.
Glynn, S.M., Randolph, E.T., Eth, S., Paz, G.G., Leong, G.B., Shaner, A.L., & Strachan, A. (1990). Patient psychopathology and expressed emotion in schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 877-880.
Leff, J., Berkowitz, R., Shavit, A. Strachan, A., Glass, I., Vaughn, C. (1990). A Trial of Family Therapy versus a Relatives’ Group for Schizophrenia Two-Year Follow-up. British Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 571-577.
Cloke, K., et al. (1989). A Training Manual for Beginning Mediators, Santa Monica, CA: Center for Dispute Resolution.
Miklowitz, D.J., Goldstein M.J., Doane, J.A., Nuechterlein K.H., Strachan, A.M, Snyder K.S., Magana-Amato, A., (1989). Is Expressed Emotion an Index of a Transactional Process? I. Parents’ Affective Style. Family Process, 28:153-167.
Strachan, A.M., Feingold, D. Goldstein M.J., Miklowitz D.J., Nuechterlein K.H. (1989). Is Expressed Emotion an Index of a Transactional Process? II. Patient’s Coping Style. Family Process, 28:169-181.
Cook, W.L., Strachan, A.M., Goldstein, M.J., & Miklowitz, D.J. (1989). Expressed emotion and reciprocal affective relationships in the families of disturbed adolescents. Family Process, 28, 337-348.
Doane, J.A., Miklowitz, D.J., Oranchak, E., Florez, de Apodaca, R., Kamo, M., Strachan, A.M., & Jenkins, J.H. (1989). Parental communication deviance and schizophrenia: A cross-cultural comparison of Mexican- and Anglo-Americans. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 98(4), 487-490.
Goldstein, M.J., Miklowitz, D.J., Strachan, A.M., Doane, J.A., Nuechterlein, K.H., & Feingold, D. (1989). Patterns of expressed emotion and patient coping styles that characterize the families of recent-onset schizophrenics. British Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 107-111.
Leff, J., Berkowitz, R., Shavit, N., Strachan, A., Glass, I., & Vaughn, C. (1989). A trial of family therapy vs. a relatives group for schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 154, 58-66.
Strachan, A.M. (1988). Consulting to family and larger systems: A review of "Systems Consultation." Contemporary Psychology, 33, 322-324.
Strachan, A.M. (1988). Expressed emotion in families: A review of Leff & Vaughan. Family Psychologist, 4, 14-15.
Goldstein, M.J., & Strachan, A.M. (1987). Schizophrenia and the family. In T. Jacob (Ed.), Family interaction and psychopathology: Theories methods, and findings. New York: Plenum Publishing, 481-508.
Cloke, K., Strachan, A.M. (1987). Mediation and pre-paid legal plans. In J.A. Lemmon (Ed.), New insights into family mediation. Mediation Quarterly, 18, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987, pp. 91-95.
Strachan, A. M. (1986). Family intervention for the rehabilitation of schizophrenia: Toward protection and coping. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 12, 678-698.
Strachan, A.M., Leff, J.P., Goldstein, M.J., Doane, J.A., & Burtt, C. (1986). Emotional attitudes and direct communication in the families of schizophrenics: A cross-national replication. British Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 279-287.
Miklowitz, D.J., Strachan, A.M., Goldstein, M.J., Doane, J.A., Snyder, K.S., Hogarty, G.E., & Falloon, I.R.H. (1986). Expressed emotion and communication deviance in the families of schizophrenics. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 95, 60-66.
Strachan, A.M., Goldstein, M.J., & Miklowitz, D.J. (1986). Do relatives express expressed emotion? In M.J. Goldstein, I. Hand, & K. Hahlweg (Eds.), Treatment of schizophrenia: Family assessment and intervention. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Goldstein, M.J. & Strachan, A.M. (1986). The impact of family intervention programs on family communication and the short-term course of schizophrenia. In M.J. Goldstein, I. Hand, & K. Hahlweg (Eds.), Treatment of schizophrenia: Family assessment and intervention. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Strachan, A.M. (1985). Family approaches to schizophrenia: Recent developments. In F.N. Watts (Ed.), New directions in clinical psychology. New York: Wiley, pp. 170-187.
Lund, M.E., Foy, D.R., Siprelle, R.C., & Strachan, A.M. (1984). The combat exposure scale: A systematic assessment of trauma in the Vietnam War. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40, 1323-1328.
Strachan, A.M. (1983). Family matters: An interview with John Cleese and Robin Skynner. Changes, 2(1), 4-7.
Strachan, A.M. & Jones, D. (1982). Changes in identification during adolescence: A personal construct theory approach. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 529-535.
Strachan, A.M. (1982). The focus, content, and style of dyadic communication in the families of adolescents at risk for schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Doctoral dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1981). Dissertation Abstracts International, 42, 2087B. (University Microfilm, No. 81-22, 858.)
Strachan, A.M. & Barker, C.B. (1981). Society for the Psychotherapy Research 1980 Conference Report, New Forum, 7(3), 57-59.
Strachan, A.M. & Shiffman, S. (1980). The prediction of therapeutic empathy in nonclinical psychologists. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 194 827).
Strachan, A.M., Welch, V.O., Barker, C.B., Compas, B., & Ferguson, M.L. (1980). A framework for training college-level teachers of psychology: Five basic processes. Teaching of Psychology, 7, 180-182.
Strachan, A.M. (1979). Communication Blocks. In Greening, T. & Hobson, D. (Eds.) Instant Relief, New York: Seaview Books.
Strachan, A.M., Hirshfield, C., Yellin, A., Petkin, L.S. & McAlarnen, J. (2017) Complex custody cases: Alternative approaches. Los Angeles County Bar Annual Child Custody Colloquium, October, 2017.
Strachan, A.M. (2017). Working with families of separation and divorce. UCLA Psychiatry Child Fellowship Program. UCLA, September, 2017.
Strachan, A.M. (2017). Working with families of separation and divorce. Psychology Intern Program. UCLA Psychiatry, UCLA, September, 2017.
Schwartz, G., Silverman, B. S. & Strachan, A.M. (2017). Parentage notwithstanding genetics. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Annual Conference. Costa Mesa, February 2017.
Strachan, A.M. (2016). Working with high-conflict families. UCLA Psychiatry Child Fellowship Program. UCLA, August, 2016.
Strachan, A.M. (2016). Working with families of separation and divorce. Psychology Intern Program. UCLA Psychiatry, UCLA, February, 2016.
Strachan, A.M. (2016). Working with high-conflict families. UCLA Psychiatry Child Fellowship Program. UCLA, January, 2016.
Strachan, A.M. (2015). Visitation refusal and reluctance: An evaluator’s perspective on a family systems problem. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Los Angeles Chapter, Los Angeles, November 2016.
Strachan, A.M., Silberman, H. (Hon.), Eisenberg, D. (2015). The use of social science research on attachment, overnights and shared parenting. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, California Chapter Conference. Costa Mesa, California. February, 2015.
Strachan, A. M. & Lund, M. E. (2014). Assessing children’s views of family relationships. Los Angeles County Psychological Association Annual Conference. Culver City, California, October, 2014.
Strachan, A. M. (2014). Social science and custody training. Panelist for family law orientation for judicial officers. Center for Judicial Education & Research, Judicial Council of California, Anaheim, CA, June 2014.
Strachan, A.M. (2013). Working with high-conflict families. Center for Families, Children & the Courts, Administrative Office of the Courts, Judicial Council of California. Family Dispute Resolution Statewide Education Institute. Los Angeles, California, May, 2013.
Strachan, A. M. & Lund, M. E. (2013). Family assessment from the child’s perspective: Interviews and symbol-supported assessment. Association of Family Conciliation Courts, California Chapter, Los Angeles, California, February, 2013.
Strachan, A. M., Greenberg, L. & Padilla, S. (2012). Is That Really the Child’s Voice? Assessing Children’s Perceptions and Feelings. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, California Chapter Conference, Santa Monica, California, 2012.
Cowan, D.J., DeVilliers, D., Strachan, A.M., Edelman, E. S. & Guerrero, M.A. (2010). Voices of the parent: Issues involving the impaired parent. 32nd Annual Child Custody Colloquium, LA County Bar, Santa Monica, CA, October, 2010.
Gordon, S. M., DeVilliers, D., Strachan, A.M., Lopez, E. & Pines, C. (2009.) Exploring custody disputes involving children with special needs. 32nd Annual Child Custody Colloquium, LA County Bar, Santa Monica, CA, October, 2009.
Lewis, T.T. (Hon.), Strachan, A.M. & Shear, L. (2009). Appropriate Parenting Plans for Toddlers and Teenagers. Beverly Hills Bar Association, Beverly Hills, CA, May, 2009.
Strachan, A.M. & Deutsch, R. (2009.) Advanced Parenting Coordination Institute. Association of Family Conciliation Courts, California Chapter Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2009.
Lund, M. & Strachan, A.M. (2009). Interventions with high-conflict divorcing families. UCLA Psychology Department, Los Angeles, 2009.
Strachan, A. M. & Lund, M. E. (2008). Assessing Children’s Perceptions of Family Relationships: A Standardized Interview Assessment Instrument. Association of Family Conciliation Court National Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations. Albuquerque, NM, August 2008.
Strachan, A.M., Robe, L.B. & Lewis, T.T. (Hon.) (2008). How Attorneys can advocate for their clients in the parenting plan coordinator process. Pre-Conference Institute, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, California Chapter Annual Conference, Santa Monica, California, February 2008.
Lund, M. & Strachan, A.M. (2009). Parenting Plan Coordinator. THE Family Law Study Group, Los Angeles.
Lund, M. & Strachan, A.M. (2009). Child custody and visitation: Matching legal strategies with the level of conflict. Minor’s counsel study group, Los Angeles, 2008.
Robe, L.B., Schnider, R.A. (Hon.), Shatz, J.E. & Strachan, A.M. (2007). Parenting Coordination in Los Angeles. Panel, Parenting Coordinator/Special Master Conference, Superior Court of Los Angeles. March 2007.
McCoy, S., de Klerk, R., Strachan, A.M., Walla, N.A. (Hon.) & Weiss, S. (Hon.). (2007). What constitutes a good custody evaluation report. 32nd Annual Family Law Symposium, Beverly Hills Bar Association, Beverly Hills, CA, March, 2007.
Strachan, A.M. (2007). How socio-cognitive research informs divorce interventions. Panel presentation by Gibbs, A., Lund, M.L. & Strachan, A.M. New thoughts about psychotherapy with our most difficult clients. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, California Chapter Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2007.
Strachan, A.M. (2006). Adult Psychopathology: Implications for Divorce and Parenting. Family Dispute Resolution Training. Administrative Office of the Courts, Anaheim, CA, November, 2006.
Strachan, A.M. (2006). Adult Psychopathology: Implications for Divorce and Parenting. Family Dispute Resolution Training. Administrative Office of the Courts, San Francisco. October, 2006.
Schnider, R. A. (Hon.), Ginsberg, L.A., Strachan, A.M. & Sullivan, M.J. (2006.) Special Masters: Who, why and how? 28th Annual Child Custody Colloquium, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Family Law Section panel. September, 2006.
Strachan, A. M., Hon. Joseph Hilberman & Mosten, F. S. (2006). Alternative Dispute Resolution - Working Toward Peace. Los Angeles County Bar Association.
Strachan, A.M. (2006). Child custody and visitation: Matching legal strategies with the level of conflict. Continuing Education of the Bar, Fundamentals of Family Law Practice. Los Angeles.
Strachan, A. M. (2005). Getting to the table: Strategies for Starting Special Master, Mediation and Co-Parenting. Beverly Hills Bar Association.
Lund M.E. & Strachan, A. M. (2005). Child custody evaluation. South Bay Bar Association.
Lund, M. E. & Strachan, A. M. (2005). The Lund Child Custody Assessment: A Standardized Interactive Instrument for Children. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, California Chapter Annual Conference, Sonoma, 2005.
Lund, M. E. & Strachan, A. M. (2005). The Lund Child Custody Assessment: A Standardized Interactive Instrument for Children. Close Relationships Interest Group, UCLA, 2005.
Strachan, A.M. (2005). Psychologists as Managers and Consultants: Solving Organizational and Team Challenges. California Psychological Association Annual Conference, Pasadena, California, 2005.
Lund, M. E. & Strachan, A. M. (2005). Assessing Children’s Feelings & Perceptions in Divorcing Families: A Validity Study of a New Child Assessment Instrument. Association of Family Conciliation Court National Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations. Nashville, 2004.
Strachan, A.M. (2004). (Moderator). Making Court-Ordered Therapy Work in Family Law Cases. LACPA-LACBA Annual conference, Los Angeles.
Strachan, A., and Lund, M. (2004). Mental Illness and Divorce: Research and Management. Annual Conference, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, Pasadena, CA.
Strachan, A.M. & Rodino, E. (2003). What they never taught you in Graduate School. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Jose.
Strachan, A.M. (2002). Clinicians in Organizational Settings: New Opportunities The Los Angeles Society of Clinical Psychologists, Los Angeles.
Strachan, A. (2002). The Special Master. Santa Monica Bar Association, Family Law section. Santa Monica, CA.
Salka, F., Ruffias, H., Rempel, S., & Strachan, A.M. (2000). How to Enhance Your Practice and Your Clients' Lives through Parent Education. Panel presentation, Annual Child Custody Colloquium, Los Angeles County Bar Association.
Strachan, A. (1999). Special Masters: Making it Work. Moderator and Presenter with Leslie Shear, Robert Beilin, and Matthew Sullivan, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Southwest Regional Conference, Newport Beach.
Kelly, Joan. (1997). Using Special Masters in Custody and Parenting Disputes. Moderator, Angus Strachan, Divorce and Family Therapy Specialists Symposium, Los Angeles.
Strachan, A. (1996). The Dynamics of Divorce. Invited lecture, Pepperdine University Psychology Department.
Strachan, A. (1995). Multiple Players, Multiple Roles: The Current Field of Divorce. Moderator and Presenter, Los Angeles County Psychological Association Annual Conference, with Forrest Mosten, Lisa Harris and Mary Lund.
Strachan, A., Mosten, F., Harris, L., Lund, M. (1994). Working in the Maelstrom of Divorce: New Roles for Psychologists. Workshop presented at the California Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco.
Margolin, L., Lund, M.L., Strachan, A.M. & Karzen, A. (1994). A User's Guide to Child Custody Evaluations: Choosing from the New Menu. Divorce Family Therapy Specialists Symposium, Los Angeles.
Strachan, A., Mosten, F., Harris, L., Lund, M. (1993). Working in the Maelstrom of Divorce: New Roles for Psychologists. Workshop presented at the Los Angeles County Psychological Association Annual Conference.
Lund, M., Strachan, A.M., & Cloke, K. (1991). The Psychologist as Mediator of Personal, Financial and Legal Conflicts. Workshop presented at California Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Diego.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRAINING: In compliance with California Rules of Court 1257.7: 12 hours – 1997 and 4 hours each year since
CUSTODY EVALUATION TRAINING: In compliance with code 1257.4: 40 hours – 2002 and 2003
TRAINING IN EVALUATION OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: In compliance with code 3110.5: 8 hours – 2003
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