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Mary Elizabeth Lund, Ph.D.
2510 Main Street, Suite 201 |
September 1984 - Present |
PRIVATE PRACTICE CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST, MEDIATOR, EVALUATOR 2510 MAIN STREET, SUITE 201, SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 310-392-6163 Specializing in forensic evaluation of custody issues, mediation and family therapy with custody and visitation problems; Co-mediation with attorneys to resolve financial disputes in divorce; psychotherapy with children, adults, and couples. |
June 1990 - 2003 | EVALUATOR, PSYCHIATRIC OFFICE, PSYCHIATRIC PANEL, LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT 6404 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 999, L.A. CA 90048, 888-974-5479 Selected by Superior Court judges to evaluate psychological issues in contested custody and visitation cases and to provide expert witness testimony on request. |
November 1997 - Present | TRAINER, MOSTEN MEDIATION TRAINING Co-trainer with Forest Mosten, J.D. of 40 hour program on divorce mediation and trainer for other continuing education seminars. |
September 1990 - 2001 | ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE. Supervisor of child and family cases for child psychiatry fellows and post-doctoral psychology interns. Instructor of family systems therapy course in Department of Psychiatry. Staff privileges. |
June 1994 - 1998 | FACULTY, PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, SUMMER DISPUTE RESOLUTION INSTITUTE. Co-instructor with attorney-mediator of a course on advanced family law mediation principles and techniques and instructor on social psychology of conflict. |
June 1992 - 1999 | PRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE, DIVORCE AND FAMILY THERAPY SPECIALISTS. Therapist, supervisor, and trainer of therapeutic and dispute resolution techniques for working with divorcing families. Provider of continuing education courses for attorneys and mental health professionals. |
June 1990 - 1998 | PRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE, SANTA MONICA FAMILY CONSULTANTS, 2510 MAIN 1998 STREET, SUITE 201, SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 (310) 396-4796 Supervisor and trainer of family systems therapy approaches with families, couples and individual problems. Specialities include therapeutic approaches to divorce, family therapy with sexual abuse cases, strategic marital and sex therapy, and family of origin work. |
January 1985 - August 1989 | PSYCHOLOGIST, DIDI HIRSCH COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, 4760 SEPULVEDA BLVD., CULVER CITY, CA 90230, (310) 390-6612. Senior psychologist in The Family and Child Guidance Clinic of a comprehensive community mental health center. Clinical supervisor of child and family cases for psychology interns in APA approved internship program and family crisis cases of staff therapists. Developer and supervisor of KIDS TEAM, a childrens group socialization program using art and play therapy. Psychologist for CHILD ALERT, the Centers child abuse treatment program, specializing in family treatment approaches to physical and sexual abuse. Therapist in crisis intervention and child and family clinics. Temporary Director of Psychology Internship Training, January 1988 - August 1988. |
September 1984 - 1989 | FACULTY, FAMILY THERAPY INSTITUTE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 2116 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 208, Santa Monica, CA, 90403, (310) 828-7929. Coordinator of nine month post graduate training program covering major models of family therapy, including structural, strategic and systemic techniques. Live supervision of family therapy cases. |
September 1984 - May 1985 | LECTURER, UCLA Lecturer in social psychology undergraduate core course. |
January 1982 - July 1984 | POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW, FAMILY RESEARCH CENTRE, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND. Researcher doing independent study of children and divorce; examined childrens adjustment in relation to parental conflict and father involvement in post-divorce family. Participant in multi-disciplinary study group on child development and psychoanalysis. Provided written evidence on divorce to Lord Chancellors office and Parliamentary Committees. |
May 1981 - December 1981 | RESEARCH PSYCHOLOGIST, V.A. BRENTWOOD AND THE U.C.L.A. NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE, LOS ANGELES, CA. Statistical consultant for research projects on post-traumatic stress disorder and treatment of alcoholism, in collaboration with David Foy, Ph.D. |
September 1981 - December 1981 | LECTURER, LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES. Lecturer in a graduate student course on professional issues. |
September 1980 - Demcember 1981 | PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANT, MARITAL AND SEX THERAPY INSTITUTE, LOS ANGELES, CA Private practice with couples and individuals in conjunction with Susan Price, Ph.D. |
September 1980 - June 1981 | TEMPORARY STAFF, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND COUNSELING SERVICES, U.C.L.A. Psychotherapist for university students, using individual and group techniques. Co-leader of groups for psychosomatic problems and eating disorders. |
September 1979 - June 1980 | PSYCHOLOGY INTERN, STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, U.C.L.A. Psychotherapy and psychological assessment with university students. |
September 1978 - August 1979 | PSYCHOLOGY INTERN, DIDI HIRSCH COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER. Out-patient psychotherapy and psychological assessment with children, adults and families. Long-term and crisis cases. Management of suicidal and psychotic patients. |
September 1977 - June 1982 | PSYCHOLOGY TRAINEE, V.A. HOSPITAL, SEPULVEDA, CA. Psychotherapy and psychological assessment with in-patients. Co-therapist in assertion training and psychoanalytically oriented group. |
September 1976 | PSYCHOLOGY TRAINEE, PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC, U.C.L.A. Outpatient psychotherapy and psychological assessment with adults, children and families. |
Lund, M.E. (2015) The place for custody evaluations in family peacemaking. Family Court Review, Vol 53 (3), 407-417
Strachan, A.M., Lund, M.E. & Garcia, J.A. (2010). Assessing children’s perceptions of family relationships: An interactive instrument for use in custody disputes. Journal of Child Custody, 7(3), 192-216
Lund, M.E. A Focus on Emotion in Mediation Training. Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, Jan. 2000, 40 - 46, Sage Publications.
Lund, M.E. A therapist's view of parental alienation syndrome. Family and Conciliation Courts Review (1995) 33 (3), 308-316, previously published, 16th Annual Child Custody Colloquium Custody Compendium (sponsored by Family Law Section L.A. County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court). February 5, 1994, 87-95.
Lund, M.E. Mediation and parental alienation syndrome. Family Law Newsletter, 1992.
Lund, M.E. Settlement Oriented Custody Evaluations, Compendium for 21st Annual Child Custody Colloquium, Presented by Los Angeles Superior Court and the Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section, 1999.
Lund, M.E. Commitment old and new: Social pressure and individual choice in making relationships last. In J. Groebel and R.A. Hinde (eds.) Prosocial behavior, altruism and cooperation, University of Cambridge Press, 1992.
Lund, M.E. The non-custodial father: Challenges in parenting after divorce. In C. Lewis and M. O'Brien (eds.) Constraints on Fathers: Empirical and Clinical Issues, London: Sage Publications, 1987.
Lund, M.E. The development of investment and commitment scales for predicting continuity of close relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1985, 2, 3-23.
Lund, M.E. Research on divorce and children: Implications for reforms in divorce procedure. Family Law, 1984, 14, 198-201.
Lund, M.E. Children's adjustment after divorce. London Family Conciliation Bureau Conference, London, England. June, 1984.
Lund, M.E. The effects of post-separation parental harmony and father involvement on children's adjustment. Written evidence requested for revision of Matrimonial Procedures Law by the Lord Chancellor's Department, House of Lords, London, England. 1984.
Lund, M.E. and Riley, J. Cooperative Parenting Post-Divorce: Its Accomplishment and Effect on Children, National Children's Bureau Seminar on Conciliation Services, London, England. May, 1983.
Lund, M.E. Use of the Bene Anthony Family Relations Test as an aid to evaluating children's feelings in divorced family conflict. British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Cambridge, England. April, 1983.
Lund, M.E., Foy, D.R., Siprelle, R.C. and Strachan, A.M. The combat Exposure Scale: A systematic assessment of trauma in the Vietnam War. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1984, 40 (6), 1323-1328.
Lund, M.E. and Richards, M.P.M. Feelings of divorced parents and children in Harmonious Co-Parent, Conflicted Co-Parent, and Absent Father Families. In preparation.
Lund, M.E. and Riley, J. Children's relationships with divorced parents. British Psychological Society's Developmental Section Conference, Oxford, England. September, 1983.
Lund, M.E. and Riley J. Children's adjustment after marital separation: The importance of post-separation family characteristics. In preparation.
Lund, M.E. and Riley, J. Children’s adjustment in three types of divorced family structures. 11th International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, Paris, France. July, 1986.
Lund, M.E. and Strachan, A. “Assessing children’s perceptions of family relationships: An interactive instrument for use in custody diputes,” Submitted for publication, 2006.
Margolin, Lionel, and Lund, M.E. Post-divorce counseling does have a place in family law. Family Law Newsletter, 1993.
Riley, J. and Lund, M.E. Schools caught in the middle: Educating the children of divorce. Journal of the National Association of Primary Education, Monograph, May, 1984, 1-15.
Russel, D., Peplau, L.A. and Ferguson (Lund), M.L. Developing a measure of loneliness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1978, 42 (3), 290-294.
Strachan, A.M., Welch, V.O., Barker, C., Compas, B. and Ferguson (Lund), M.L. A framework for training college-level teachers of psychology: Five basic processes. Teaching of Psychology, 1980 7 (3), 180-182.
Strachan, A.M. and Lund, M.E. Revised Ethical Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations, Los Angeles County Psychological Association News, Sept./Oct., 1994, 3-8.
Strachan, A.M. and Lund, M.E. New Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists Performing Child Custody Evaluations, Family Law News and Review (1994) 15, (3), 13-17.
Basic Child Development and Effects of Domestic Violence on Children for Juvenile and Family Court Judicial Officers. DVD Presentation with Hon. Mark Juhas, Jeffrey Rowe, M.D., and Alicia Lieberman, Ph.D. Produced by the Judicial Council of California.
“Family Law Orientation”, Primary Assignment Orientations for California Judicial Officers, Center for Jucial Education and Rearch, Administrative Office of the Courts, Judicial Council of California,Faculty Member, Co-Trainer with Judicial Faculty for segments on Basic Child Custody, Moveaway Cases, Multi-Problem Cases, and Domestic Violence:
International Counseling Services, Paris, France, Annual Seminar, “Protecting Children from Conflict in Divorce,” March 25, 2006.
Los Angeles County Family Law Judges Annual Seminar, Invited speaker on child custody issues, January 1992.
Los Angeles County Family Law Judges Annual Seminar, Invited speaker on child custody issues, January 1993.
Los Angeles County Family Law Judges Annual Seminar, Invited speaker on child custody issues, January 1999.
Judicial Council of California, Center for Families, Children, and the Courts, Southern California Family Court Services Training, Intervention With High Conflict Families, Ventura California, September 1999.
Judicial Council of California, Center for Families, Children, and the Courts, Southern California Family Court Services Training, Parenting Plans with Infants/Toddlers, San, Diego, California, September 2002.
Child Custody Colloquium of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court. Invited panel presentation on Developmental Stages and Recommended Parenting Plans, January 1991.
Child Custody Colloquium of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court. Invited panel presentation on Parental Alienation Syndrome, January 1992.
Child Custody Colloquium of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court. Invited panel presentation on Examining the Experts, on case requesting out of state move, January 1994.
Child Custody Colloquium of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court. Invited panel presentation on Custody Crises: Putting Out Fires. March, 2000.
Child Custody Colloquium of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court., Invited panel presentation on “Maximizing Outcomes for Custody Cases: Assessment and Problem Solving.” September, 2004.
Child Custody Colloquium of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Los Angeles Superior Court., Invited panel presentation on “Confronting the Issues of Substance Abuse.”October, 2011Association of Family and Conciliation Courts National Conference, “Dealing with Parental Alienation in High Conflict Custody Cases,” San Antonio, Texas, May 10, 1996.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Custody Evaluation Symposium, “The Interface of Psychotherapy and Evaluations,” Beaver Creek, Colorado, September, 1997.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Custody Evaluation Symposium, “Assessing Children’s
Feelings and Perceptions about Family: Validity Study of a New Standardized Instrument,” Nashville, Tennessee, November, 2004.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts National Conference, “Controversies over “Mini Evaluations” Newport Beach, California, November, 1999.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, “Use of the Bene Anthony Family Relations Test in Custody Evaluations,” Pasadena, California, February, 2001.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, “Research on the Lund Child Custody Assessment,” Sonoma, California, February, 2005.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, “Mental Illness and Divorce: Research and Management,” Los Angeles, California, February, 2004.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, “Innovative Dispute Resolution in Uncertain Financial Times,” Plenary with Forrest Mosten, J.D., Santa Monica, California, February, 2010.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, “Domestic Violence Restsraining Order Hearings from a Legal and Psychological Perspective,” part of Domestic Violence Institute Panel, Santa Monica, California, February, 2012
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts California Chapter Conference, “On the Court’s Doorstep – Pre-Trial Team Mediation for Complex Cases,” with Workshop Panel, Santa Monica, California, February, 2012.
Advanced Family Law Conference, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia. Invited speaker, An International Perspective of Relationships in Family Law, September 1994.
Los Angeles County Bar Association /Los Angeles County Psychological Association Continuing Education Workshop, Comparative Models of Child Custody Evaluations, June 2002.
Beverly Hills Bar Association Family Law Section Symposium, New Issues in Move-Away Cases, 1999.
Beverly Hills Bar Association Family Law Section Symposium. Discussion with Forensic Child Custody and Psychiatric Evaluators, June 1994.
Beverly Hills Bar Association Family Law Section Symposium, Psychological Evaluators/Therapists, June 8, 1996.
Los Angeles County Psychological Association Continuing Workshop, Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychology: Family Law and Dependency Cases, April, 2000.
Los Angeles County Psychological Association Workshop, Recent Approaches to Dealing with High Conflict Divorcing Families, September, 1998.
Los Angeles County Psychological Association Workshop, Presenting Psychological Data to Judges and Lawyers, September, 1999.
Los Angeles County Psychological Association Annual Conference. "The Family Law Court of the Future: New Roles for Psychologists." October 14, 1995.
Los Angeles County Psychological Association Annual Conference. Working in the Maelstrom of Divorce, October 1993.
Child Development Center Annual Conference, Walking the Tightrope: Therapy for Children of Divorce. Los Angeles, September, 2000.
Los Angeles Superior Court Monitors Training Program. "Theoretical Issues and Practical Problems in Keeping Children Safe." March 3, 1995.
Los Angeles County Bar Minor's Counsel Training Program. "Mental Health Professionals' Roles in Evaluating and Treating Abuse." September 9, 1995.
Los Angeles County Bar and U.S.C. Law School Conference on Ethics for Family Lawyers. "Dilemmas Facing Children's Attorneys." December 9, 1995.
California Psychological Association, Working in the Maelstrom of Divorce: New Roles for Psychologists, San Francisco, California, March 1994.
Southern California Mediation Association Annual Conference. "Mediating High Conflict Custody Cases" with Forest Mosten, J.D., November 11, 1995.
Southern California Mediation Association Annual Conference, Invited speaker, Divorce Mediation Panel, Pepperdine University, November 1993.
State Bar of California Family Law Section, Annual Meeting, Invited speaker, Sex, Lies and Ethics: Best Interests of the Family vs. Client Advocacy, Anaheim, California, September 1991.
Symposium: Divorce and Family Therapy Specialists, Users Guide to Custody Evaluations, Los Angeles, California, January 1994.
Los Angeles Conciliation Court, In-service training on the use of the Bene Anthony Family Relations Test in research on children of divorce, all 1986.
University of Southern California, School of Social Welfare, Seminar on child abuse and neglect, required license training for psychotherapists, Winter 1988.
Vista del Mar Children's Services, Structural and strategic family therapy theory and techniques, Spring, 1988.
Los Angeles Jewish Family Services, Genograms as a tool in family therapy, Fall 1989.
Beverly Hills Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, Psychological issues in mediation, Fall 1989.
Pepperdine University, School of Law, Dispute Resolution Institute, Emotional issues in divorce mediation, Summer, 1989.
Fundamentals of Marital Dissolution, Continuing Education of the Bar Seminar, Psychological Evaluations, Mediation, Custody Litigation , April, 1998 and April, 2000.
Los Angeles Westside Domestic Violence Network, Psychological Issues in Domestic Violence Cases, March, 2001.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, PRESIDENT-ELECT CALIF. CHAPTER
Editorial Board Journal of Child Custody
American Psychological Association
Association For Conflict Resolution
California State Psychological Association
los angeles county psychological association
Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section,
Los Angeles County collaborative Family Law Association
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